Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Book Illustrations

I just finished some book illustrations for the book publisher Winepress Publishing. It's for a book titled "Righteousness and Life From Grace". These are to be used as 2 spots and 3 half page black and white illustrations. As for what they wanted pretty much all I got was this text below, with a few other questions asked. So this is simply how I translated those words into illustrations. It was quite fun to work on but that sure was a lot of people to render. Finals were created in Photoshop at actual print size at 400 dpi.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cutaway Illustration

Over the Summer I completed a fairly complicated cutaway of a support structure for railroads. Tensar makes and designs grid systems for various industrial applications. This illustration was about railroad ballast and the slope systems. This was created using mainly Adobe Illustrator and the train is a Poser 3D model. The final was 20"x 16". Now every time I see a railroad, wall system, or slope I will have a much better understanding of how it might be built.